Title to and regime of responsibility of the Directorate General of Community Funds
Article 3. 2 of Royal Decree 1671/2009, of 6 November 2009, partially developing Law 11/2007, of 22 June 2007, on Citizens’ Access to Public Services., determines that the Order for creation of the Online Office should identify its titleholder, as well as the body or bodies responsible for its management and the services placed at the disposal of the public therein..
In compliance with this precept Article 8 d) of Order EHA/3408/2009, of 17 December 2009, creating certain online offices at the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, stipulates that title to the Online Office of the Directorate General of Community Funds ( https://sedefondoscomunitarios.gob.es/) lies with the Directorate General of Community Funds.
As regards the regime of responsibility for the Online Office, this article states:
- The technological management of the office will be the responsibility of the Budgetary IT services of the Government Comptroller’s Office.
- The party responsible for the management, content and for the services made available to the public at the Office will be the titleholder of the Subdirectorate General of Management of Passive Classes.
In accordance with Art. 10.2 of Law 11/2007, of 22 June 2007, on Citizens’ Access to Public Services, “the establishment of an online office entails the titleholder’s responsibility with regard to the integrity, accuracy and updating of the information and the services that may be accessed through it”
Likewise, Article 7.1 of the Royal Decree partially developing that Law adds that “The titleholder of the online office containing a link to another under the charge of a different body or Public Administration shall not be responsible for the latter’s integrity, accuracy or updating.
The online office shall establish the means necessary so that the citizen may know whether the information or service being accessed corresponds to the actual office or to a point of access that does not have online office status or to a third party”.
In this respect, the Online Office of the Directorate General of Community Funds is specified by way of messages on the links if accessing them means that you exit the office.
Privacy and Data Protection
No personal information will be collected without your consent through the Online Office of the Directorate General of Community Funds. The data supplied by the interested party will be used solely and exclusively for the purposes of the procedure or action in question.
Under no circumstance will the aforesaid data be subject to processing or assignment to third parties without the party concerned’s definite consent, or in the cases specified in Articles 6.2 and 11.2 of the Personal Data Protection Act 15/1999, of 13 December 1999.
In compliance with the provisions of the aforesaid Act 15/1999 and of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December 2007, adopting the Regulations implementing it, the assignor of the data can exercise at any time the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition as may be determined by legislation.
This privacy policy, which is applicable to the pages of the online office, is not guaranteed in accesses via links to this site nor links from this site to other websites.
As specified by Article 6.1 g) of Royal Decree 1671/2009, of 6 November 2009, a link is included to the Spanish Data Protection Agency online office.
Intellectual and industrial property
Not only the design of this Online Office and its font codes, but also the logotypes, trademarks and other distinctive signs that appear in it belong to the Directorate General of Personnel Costs and Public Pensions and are protected by the respective intellectual and industrial property rightsrial.
Their use, reproduction, distribution, public dissemination, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity is totally prohibited unless expressly authorised by the Ministry of Finance.
Use of co-official languages at the Online Office
The Sixth Additional Provision of Law 11/2007, of 22 June 2007, on Citizens’ Access to Public Services in its first paragraph determines that the use of the official State languages will be assured in the relations between the citizens and the Public Administrations by electronic means, in the terms specified in Law 30/1992, on the Legal Regime of the Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure and in the legislation that may prove applicable in each case.
For these purposes, the online offices where the titleholder has authority over territories with a regime of linguistic co-officiality shall provide for access to their contents and services in the respective languages.
The systems and applications used in the online management of the procedures shall be brought into line with the provisions regarding the use of co-official languages in Article 36 of Law 30/1992, on the Legal Regime of the Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure.
Governing law and competent jurisdiction
In the event of dispute or conflict in the interpretation of the terms making up this Legal Notice, as well as any question relating to the services of this Online Office, the governing law shall be that of Spain.
For the settlement of any conflict that might arise as a result of visiting the Online Office or using the services offered therein, the Directorate General of Community Funds and the User agree to submit to the Magistrates and Tribunals of the User’s address, providing that this lies within Spanish territory.
Cookies policy
cookies son ficheros de texto que se crean al navegar por las páginas web de un sitio web, que permiten a los sitios web registrar diferentes tipos de información.
Los portales de la Administración Presupuestaria emplean dos tipos de cookies:
Cookies técnicas, cuya finalidad es la correcta visualización y funcionamiento de las páginas que conforman el sitio web. Por ejemplo, las cookies que permiten establecer una sesión con el dispositivo empleado para la navegación.
Cookies estadísticas, cuya finalidad es el registro de las estadísticas de uso del sitio web. Por ejemplo, el número de visitas, las páginas más visitadas, etc.
Las cookies estadísticas son obtenidas mediante la plataforma de
Google Analytics. Puede consultar el uso de las cookies realizado por Google Analytics en el siguiente enlace:
uso de las cookies de Google Analytics en los sitios web.
La navegación en los portales de la Administración Presupuestaria no requiere la instalación de este tipo de cookies. Si lo desea, puede desactivarlas, siguiendo las instrucciones del navegador que emplee para navegar por los sitios web de Internet.
Los portales de la Administración Presupuestaria cumplen la regulación legal y las directrices sobre política de cookies dictadas por la
Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.
Linguistic policy
On this website, you will find all of the information that is currently available in Spanish and its corresponding translations into the co-official languages Catalan, Basque, Galician, and in English. Published documents are not translated, with some exceptions.
The linguistic policy of the Administration is based on effective communication in co-official languages for every individual who wishes to receive information in this manner, as well as in English.
The content of this website was originally written in Spanish, and has been translated for your convenience using automatic translation software for Catalan and Galician, and therefore may contain errors
The official text of this website is its version in Spanish. If you have any questions regarding the exactness of the information contained in any of the translated text on this website, please see the official version in Spanish
In any event, users of this site are guaranteed to be able to use the co-official language of their respective Region.